Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Dark Masquerade

I figured I had better post something new, as I was starting to get a little annoyed at the constant delivery of the word 'ANUS' in bright colors whenever I checked everyone's blogs (which I do the crap way, as I haven't been bothered to set up RSS feeds properly yet).

So, on to the actual subject matter: The Dark Masquerade.

As balls go, I'm not generally a huge fan (Yep. I'm happy to let the ambiguity run wild there, just for everyone's amusemement). This is mostly based on the fairly lackluster affairs that occured during:

A) high school: where I hated the music and, as I didn't really know any of the girls there, would rather have just spent yet another night drinking at someones house with my mates. Also, I was a teenager, and you seem to take a ot of pride in disliking things (at the very least) at that age. /shrug

B) uni: where I also loathed the music and couldn't ever manage to get drunk enough, despite the shining promise of open bars. (Technically I was also a teenager for some of these, but I'm not sure if that really counts)

However, this particular one I did enjoy. For one thing, a lot of effort had gone into costume and it looked pretty smooth, and, as you may have guessed by the name, it was a ball that was really targetted at the more alternative crowd. For one thing, this meant that the music was pretty good. I actually found myself go: 'Cool! I love this song' (This particular response I can attribute to David Bowie's 'I'm afraid of Americans' coming on) and stuff.

Also, I didn't really need to worry about not knowing any of the girls there, this time. Tee hee.

There are a couple of links up for photos, but one of them is a pain to use, so here's the 'Highlights' one (which we actually made it into, woo!).

Now I have a whole week of nightshifts, which is something of a bringdown. But! at least I've got a cool brocade jacket and mask and stuff hiding in a wardrobe somewhere. Maybe I should dress up to come into work. Might make things a little more interesting....


Blogger Jacob said...

Let me guess, you're the last one. Wow, great costume

11:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, lookin good there jon

12:39 am  
Blogger Joel said...

hehehe, looks like it'd have been fun! :D

and "i'm afraid of americans" IS a good song.

1:42 pm  

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