Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So. Whats up with me? you might ask.

Typically, I'd say: "Bugger all!". In fact, thats pretty much still the case, but I'm going to try to stretch it into some sort of blog that seems like its ABOUT something...

Most of what I've been up to is going to work. Thinking about how much I need a new job, as I'm wildly sick of saying 'Good morning BBC' all day, having to be smarmy to people and occasionally deal with assholes.

THEN, going home and sending a few apps away via or or or something like that.

So, im fairly hung up on getting the right job, now. Firstly, because it seems like I've been doing it for ages, but also because I've been reflecting on how much of my waking hours we actually spend at work.

How depressing.

Something else occurred to me, also: On the switchboard, there's a big difference in how my day goes, depending on who I sit next to. If its someone I can yarn away to between calls, the day goes quick and its all good, but if I just sit there in silence or piss about doing Sudoku or something, its way more crap.

So.. Presumably this is something to look for in a new job position. But, how the hell do you try and determine if you're going to get on well with people at a new job based on the interview. Can you legitimately say, "can I just go and hang out with some of the people I'm might be working with for a little bit" at an interview?

yeah. So. I'm all about the job thing at the moment. Boring, huh.

Oh. I guess something else interesting did happen recently. As London people know, I've spent quite a few weekends out in Oxford recently, and I was at a club night there recently. So. I HAVE done SOMETHING interesting. Slightly unusually, for me, it was a trance club night. So, I was forced to move away from the mindless thrashing favoured by metal clubs towards something more appropriate (well, an attempt at, anyways).

Also, perhaps less unusually for me, I took the opportunity to fit in with some of the more outlandish people there (of which, incidentally, there were a number) and went for some face-paint, which is always fun.

Anyway. Had a good time. Jumped around a bit. Not sure I convinced that many people that I was a native to the environment of the electronic dance club scene, but never mind.

Oh. in other news. I just managed to spill watermelon all over my legs. How sticky.

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Blogger Joel said...

Good luck finding an awesome job!

I'm not sure if it is the same among all industries, but for the couple of interviews I had I was shown around and introduced to people and given some time to chat with them. Obviously can't be done in huge companies, but they should at least be able to let you talk with some of the people you'll be working with.

Also, congratulations on surviving electronic dance club scene. By outlandish people, you don't happen to mean me and my friends do you?

10:55 am  
Blogger Squirk said...

people make all the difference

always and ever

yes you can justify asking for stuff like that -- and you've normally got a probation period anyway so you can leave without pain if you realise you don't gel with them

2:39 pm  
Blogger Skarnz said...

"By outlandish people, you don't happen to mean me and my friends do you?"

...well, kinda... only less fluffy :)

But, considering those were the type of ppl I was aiming to be sociall 'grouped' with, then yeah. (aww)

10:35 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

Good luck with the job hunt bro.

I recommend my tried and proven method of finding good jobs... blind luck.

11:08 pm  

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