Monday, March 05, 2007

Irritating things


I'm supposed to be firing off a bunch (how optimistic) of apps for jobs, but because my hotmail has completely died, I can't get at a copy of my CV right now. Also, all the jobs that I've singled out to apply for are in there too. Also annoyed at myself, 'cause I'm quietly relieved that I've got an excuse. /sigh

Getting wet

Its raining more, and I dont have an umbrella, nor waterproof shoes. Its my own fault for both of these things, of course, but that doesn't sto it from being irritating. Besides, I (foolishly) spent lots of money on a flash waterproof jacket, and I want to get use out of it (even if that means getting the rest of me quite wet). Also, I am the worst shopper, and when it comes to shoes/clothes shopping; NOTHING is quite right. Thus, no waterproof shoes. (actually, I managed to get some dress shoes recently, but I'm hardly wearing them around the place).

Crap flatmates.

If you do any of the following things, you're likely to be a crap flatmate and piss me off:

Be incredibly unsocial (to the point of openly avoiding conversation)
Leave pots of half eaten food on the stove for days on end
Piss around for an incredible amount of time getting the internet sorted (and I'm STILL having to use web cafes, you useless bastard!)
Leave hair everywhere
Use my stuff
and, my favourite: leave the toilet incredibly grossly soiled and not bother to clean it

Hmmm, what else.

Jeez, I dunno. The way this city makes sometimes me feel like some small town honkey is pretty cool too.

Feeling obliged to finish off a good rant with something 'upbeat' just so things dont look bad.

In other news, I made a cake. Its a mofo chocolate beast!

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Blogger Skarnz said...

Yeah, the hair thing does sound kinda ironic, but these people shed like animals.


2:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to be fair, it was damn good cake!

1:32 am  
Blogger Joel said...

mmmmmmmmm cake.

If you want an invite to gmail let me know. I think it is infinitely superior to hotmail (not that I've seen hotmail in years, but gmail is pretty trustworthy).

Also, I use your stuff all the time - e.g right now I'm using your toothbrush and sleeping in your bed.

4:53 pm  
Blogger Squirk said...

Seconded on the "mmmm cake".

Also, apparently Hotmail is missing the "auto-save" feature that Goggle Mail has provided for a while -- I discovered this when my flatmate lost about an hour and a half worth of e-mail typing the other day.

11:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want cake!! You'll just have to bake another one!!
Maybe I could get one for my birthday in May.

8:25 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

'leaving hair everywhere'

Doh. I'm officialy a crap flatmate! Good thing I don't have any flatmates anymore...

5:50 pm  

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